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Pregnancy: Expectation vs Reality

Every woman's pregnancy journey is different, but they usually have one thing in common: They never look like the "perfect" pregnancies on your Instagram feed.

1. The look: ”I’ll have that pregnancy glow and awesome maternity style”.

Wrong. Ass sweat. Most days I spend sat in my underwear, no bra and a long PJ top and my hair up in a messy bun. That glow? That was the grease from either my disgusting first trimester skin or third trimester sweating because you cannot cool down no matter what you try. I think there has been 2 occasions where I’ve dressed up and people did compliment me for ‘glowing’ but in reality, maternity clothes are way too expensive so I spent the majority of 8 months wearing leggings!

2. Food & cravings: “I can eat whatever I want!”

Hmmmm, nope. During my first trimester I had no appetite at all so I was just eating to make sure I ate. Until the sickness started…I was one of the lucky few who only had full blown sickness for around a week or two. The other weeks was just a pit of nausea sat in the bottom of my belly…I think being sick was better. All I have wanted since is slush puppies, for the ice. I also craved the oil smell from the industrial unit that my husband works in…You can’t eat that. Due to an illness effected by weight I haven’t been able to go overboard anyway and I am glad for that.

3. Being pregnant in public: “Awww, look at how big you are!”

Some people will either run from the hills and look at you as if you have a disease that’s contagious or become overly friendly by rubbing your bump and asking you inappropriate questions like, “so what position did you do to get pregnant?” (YES, that was really asked by someone I haven’t seen in 8 years!). Because apparently being pregnant means you give up all expectation of privacy or manners from strangers. Sometimes you just want to get your waddle on and shop before anyone spots you.

4. Baby’s movements: “Cute little flutters”.

You expect lovely little butterfly movements and wonder at what those cute little hiccoughs will feel like. They hurt. During the second trimester they are absolutely adorable but when you enter the third and they no longer have any room they can remind you of the dinner scene from Alien. Feels like a Xenomorph is having a wrestling match with my bladder or cervix and winning.

5. Not having to suck in your gut: “No one can tell how fat I really am!”

I did love not having to suck in my stomach but oh my god the discomfort. It really starts to get to you towards the end when you can’t even bend over and anything that you’ve dropped on the floor becomes a permanent fixture until your other half can get it. Breathing also becomes an issue, especially if you have a short torso like myself! Baby has just engaged and dropped so the extra room is amazing at the moment.

6. Nesting: “I can get loads done on maternity!”

True, I did do a lot of decorating in the house but I wanted to go swimming multiple times a week, do pregnancy yoga and carefully get out and about. The only exercise I’ve had is bouncing on my medicine ball whilst my fat arse hangs over the sides. (In all seriousness, get a medicine ball! So, so comfy!)

7. Being full of joy

Full of gas. And there is no point trying to keep them in. It hurts, so just accept those disgusted looks from the hubby and move on.

8. Friendships

Whilst you can now understand and appreciate everything your best mate went through whilst she was pregnant and share stories, things will change with any younger, childless friends. When you meet up you may feel bad speaking about the baby but don’t. Obviously that’s a new and exciting thing happening I your life. You may feel like that’s all you talk about and it probably is. Just because you’re going through something new doesn’t mean you have to stop being friends. Just keep in touch and keep interested in their lives. Being pregnant and your new journey may be everything to you but not to everyone. And anyway, soon you’ll be expanding your circle with other new mammys!

9. You can’t wait to meet your baby!

True, by the end of the third trimester you’ll be super excited to meet your new addition but you’ll also be excited about being able to roll over in bed, bend over, see your feet (and lady garden) without fear of your waters breaking over your shoes.

Even with the easiest, best possible pregnancy expect your expectations to be completely RUINED by reality.

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